Saturday, September 03, 2005


ROME (Reuters) - An Italian minister who revealed he's keeping wolves as pets told authorities Wednesday to feel free to come and investigate as they always need "fresh meat."
More amazing even he kept a pet tiger for about a year.. until the tiger ate a dog!
Well what can I say.. since I was a little boy I always thought I'd love to have wolves as pets, they're my favorite animal (Creeps you out?! Perhaps I can explain why in a different post.), but some years ago I changed my mind.. I wouldn't mind seeing them upclose, gain some familiarity with them, but not so much it would prejudice them by domestication. I guess I would still do it if I had the space to raise them as semi-wild animals, but I'd never make it to take that wild side completely off them.. That's what makes it an amazing beast!

1 comment:

abnegator said...

yup..i totally agree with u.