Monday, August 29, 2005

It's Paulo's Drool!

With Paulo's drool your ass will rule!
I read recently that a mexican investigation came to the conclusion Snails drool helps to put an end to Cellulite. As soon as I read that I got my own company of that miracullous gel. It'll be out on stores tomorrow!
It's Paulo's Drool!
"With Paulo's Drool your ass will rule!"

Direct application require certain conditions.. LOL
P.S. The mexican investigation is real, I just can't find an article about it written in english.


abnegator said...

Cool. I saw you have linked me, do i know you? Nice looks by the way, of the blog i mean :D ! Keep blogging. Cheers

Paulo said...

You just know me from a comment I left in your blog. It was about "you being loving to ride bikes.. and having to race a F1 right now"..
I liked your blog and simply decided to link you here, that's all.
Hope you'll visit again, see you around

abnegator said...

Yeah..that i remembered. I thought you were someone who knew me from college or something like that because the other blog that you have linked is of a guy who is my friend from college only. Anyways. Nice .. keep blogging..

abnegator said...

And I linked you :blink: :)